I'm feeling inspired. Gather 'round children and let me tell you about Zombeavers! A truly terrible movie that I enjoyed every moment of! It starts with two rednecks driving down a backwoods road and they're hauling, you guessed it, toxic waste. (And may I say, John Mayer has never looked better. Hairy and dull-witted suites him.) Later we follow three young co-eds into the middle of nowhere to an empty cabin (because why not, right?). Where after a prerequisite boob shot in the lake, the ladies' boyfriends appear. Next thing ya know there is zombified beaver in the shower! No one believes its zombified though (they never do, do they? Sigh.) so they ignore the obvious and go back to frolicking about. A quick dip in the lake leads to a little dismemberment for one of the boys. But do you know what they've learned? That the beavers are friggin' zombies! So begins the true gore and chaos. It was wonderful! The only down sides to this movie was the dude I liked died early on and the one I wanted to die? He lived far longer then necessary. And at the close we saw the return of our bumbling rednecks, causing yet more anarchy. The best part children? There's a potential sequel called- wait for it... Zombees!