I don't know whether other people classify this movie as awesome or awesomely bad. Either way, I love it.
Ginger Snaps
is about a pair of outsider sisters who are very close and
more then alittle morbid.
You could even call them death-obsessed.This is proven quite effectively by the showing of their slideshow for a class project. Life in Bailey Downs. Every single photo is a suicide/death scene. (My personal favorite is the Drain-O tea party.) Needless to say their teacher is weirded out, their classmates are slightly impressed in a strange way. Not that the Fitzgerald sisters really care, they have nothing but disdain and contempt for their classmates. Their macabre sense of humor is not really appreciated though, especially with the Beast of Bailey Downs on the loose. See there's a wild dog/bear/cougar/
something that's been eating the local's pets. When Brigitte has a confrontation with a preppy girl (Trina) while playing field hockey, she's shoved into a shredded dog's body (Eww btw!) and Ginger is determined to get revenge. They plan to sneak over to the other girl's house kidnap her beloved dog and make it look like it was eaten by the Beast. The girls stop at an empty playground to discuss just what they're going to do when Ginger begins bleeding. She has gotten "the curse" for the first time (Their mom is so proud. Ick.). Out of nowhere something grabs Ginger and carries her off into the woods, B goes chasing after her. All you can hear is Ginger screaming! Then boom! Ginger comes out of the darkness and they're both running. From what we don't know yet. It catches up to them and goes for Ginger a second time, Brigitte hits with her camera repeatedly. The flash goes off blinding the Beast for a moment and the girls take off running again. They run screaming into the street with the Beast hot on the heels. Then its run-down by a van! The driver (who we saw earlier and found out was a drug dealer) is stunned (wouldn't you be?) and gets out to see just what he hit. Even after looking at the thing's twisted body he's not sure.
When the girls make it home (why they
didn't go to the hospital is beyond me) B insists on seeing the wound. It's not bleeding anymore, it's even beginning to heal already. It's only then that Brigitte wants to call 911 (
really?) but Ginger doesn't want her mom finding out, they'd have to hear about if
forever if she knew. Later after Ginger passes out (she really has had a hard day) Brigitte pries the jammed Polaroid out of her camera (it got stuck when she was beating the Beast with it). All that you really see is an eye and teeth. But it certainly doesn't look any of the local wildlife. The next day at the super market the sisters run into head jock Jason, who tells Ginger (according to his sisters) the only thing to take the edge off of cramps is a few tokes. Leaving Brigitte standing outside, Ginger happily climbs into a stranger's van (has her mother taught her
nothing?!). While waiting B starts noticing that this van is kind of familiar... and the front is all smashed in. Along comes Sam (drug dealer/ van owner). (What do you want? Gee, what did you hit? A lycanthrope. Hey there's someone in my van!) After ejecting Ginger and her new crowd of fans, Trina show up to talk (
stalk!) Sam and is none too happy to see the Fitzgerald sisters. And neither is her dog, he goes ape shit trying to attack Ginger. In the scuffle Brigitte drops her things, including her Polaroid. Ginger suddenly needs to make a trip to the little girls room and once there she makes a startling discovery. The wound on her shoulder is now nearly completely healed and, oh yeah, sprouting hair! (Damn puberty is a
bitch.) Brigitte is now pretty certain her sister is becoming a werewolf. Ginger just thinks she's crazy for even suggesting it and a total bitch too. It didn't take a silver bullet to kill that thing that was chasing them! Clearly not a werewolf, right? So B starts a little
independent research.
Ginger is definitely changing. She's making out with Jason (the jock tool) and even her choice of clothing is different. Brigitte is understandably concerned. Sam pops up here again. He found that Polaroid that B dropped and he's spent the past week looking for her. See, they both saw the same thing but what was is exactly? Could've been anything really, right? So why does he keep thinking lycanthrope? It would explain the animal's apparent circumcision. (again ewww!) Brigitte is becoming more and more worried about Ginger and her erratic behavior and the next full moon is fast approaching. She has to talk to someone but who? Ginger won't listen. The only answer is Sam (drug dealer/van owner/possible cherry hound). But she can't tell him about Ginger, she'd never forgive her, he has to think it's her problem. Brigitte's fears are completely validated when she finds Ginger covered in blood! She tore the neighbor's dog to pieces. Now (finally!) Ginger is willing to listen to B and her theories. Most of which include Sam in one way or another, Ginger however is not big on the idea of including him. But what can she do? They go to see him at his greenhouse where he's been doing a little studying, there's a flower called monkshood that may be just what they were looking for. It could be a cure. Only one problem, it's out of season.
Trina has to come to the Fitzgerald house. Her dog has gone missing and she thinks Ginger had something to do with it. A fair assumption after the fight they had earlier at school. Ginger is not really in a good mood, she's just itching to draw some blood, and along comes hapless Trina.
(Uh oh.) After slapping Trina around abit and scaring the crap out of her, she manages to get away from Ginger... only to slip and hit her head on the counter edge. And guess who's parents have just gotten home? The girls shove Trina into a freezer and do their best to distract their folks. After a few hours of "family time" they go back to the freezer to check on Trina. She's completely frozen through, she's even got freezer burn. They move her to their play house to bury her in a shallow grave. B thinks it would probably be best if Ginger didn't go to school for a while, just till things blow over. Especially now that Trina's considered missing and everything. Hmmmm.
You know, Jason's not looking so hot these days. Ever since he and Ginger had (unprotected) sex he's been feeling rather odd. Oh and he's growing a tail! And he thinks that his tail and Ginger are related somehow. He's pretty sure Brigitte knows something about it too. Luckily the janitor interrupts things before Jason can get too rough with her. Later at dinner we find out that mom got a phone call from the police about the missing girl. They want to question Ginger about a fight she had with Trina the same day that she disappeared. It's probably not important though. Oh hey! Mom's got some monkshood! (All those trips to the crafts store have finally paid off.) Brigitte has to lock Ginger in their bathroom to go see Sam. How should she take the monkshood? Best bet, inject it. Sadly by the time B gets home Ginger's gone. Where does a werewolf infected teenager go? To school of course! Brigitte has to book it to the school to find Ginger, on the way there she hears screaming. Could Ginger have taken a side trip? Nope. Jason is shaking down little kids now. He tries to attack/rape(?) Brigitte so she sticks him with the needle. Well now he seems fine, a bit confused, but fine. Now to find Ginger.
When B finally reaches the school, she's called to the guidance councilor's office. Ginger has offed the guy. Crap. That's one
more body to hide. B goes to find cleaning supplies, when she gets back Ginger's gotten a hold of the janitor. She's clearly lost her grip on sanity. And she doesn't want to be changed back.
But she does want to
eat Sam, so she takes off. Mom finds B running down the roadside and takes her to the greenhouse where there's a massive party going on. B needs to find Ginger fast before she decides to tear Sam's throat out, she gets to the party just in time to see Ginger break his arm. She has to infect herself to get Ginger to trust her again, now they need Sam (and his van) to take them back to their house so B can get more monkshood. Once inside the house Ginger transforms completely, she stalks them trying to separate them. They're able to get the rest of the monkshood before being trapped in a closet. Sam,
poor poor Sam. He tries to be heroic and it gets him killed. Now it's just Ginger and Brigitte. B's chased all around the house before she has a final face off with her sister. When Ginger pounces on her, B's knife (that we saw earlier) plunges into Ginger's side. The nightmare is finally over. Or is it? Well obviously not since there are sequels.
I personally really like the sequels. The third
(Ginger Snaps Back - The Beginning
) more so then the second
(Ginger Snaps 2 - Unleashed
). Mostly because the third is actually a prequel and it's set it the 1800's. So it's a combination of two of my favorite types of movies, period pieces and horror movies! Yay! I may eventually get to one or the other.